All XCMDs or XFCNs produced by Software Perspectives are owned by Software Perspectives and may not be distributed with any software without a license.
The cost for a license depends on how you will be distributing your software, the following list displays the cost, in U.S. funds, for a license based on the type of software:
*Commerical developers are eligible for special support options (see below).
Once you receive a license, you are eligible to distribute the externals in your software. You are also eligible for free updates. Upgrades carry a fee.
The term update refers to a bug fix or minor enhancement version. These are free to all registered users. Updates may also be available in some cases on online services or the Internet.
An upgrade is a major enhancement or improvement to the software. Public Domain/Freeware/Shareware authors will be charged a small processing fee for these upgrades.
Users will also receive License Addendums to add to their existing license to cover the new version. Upgrades will NOT be available on online services or the Internet.
Commercial Developers Special Upgrade Option
Commercial software developers are eligible for free updates and upgrades for one year, after which they can renew their free upgrade coverage for either of the two fees below depending on their coverage needs: